Interests: SE, Software Evolution & Maintenance, Data Mining, Software Analytics, Applications of Machine Learning
Interests: model-based engineering, open source
Interests: software maintenance and evolution, dependency management, performance engineering, SE4AI
Interests: Software design, software migration, requirement engineering, model-driven engineering, safety-critical systems
Interests: model-driven engineering, formal methods, empirical software engineering
Interests: software and knowledge engineering
Interests: Software quality, Patterns, Re-engineering, IoT
Interests: AIOps, Software Tracing and Logging, Anomaly Detection, Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering
Interests: Software quality, maintenance and development, Software systems analysis, Object-oriented, service and mobile systems, Anti-patterns and design patterns, Software refactoring, Meta-modeling, Internet of Things (IoT)
Interests: digital twins, cyber-physical system verification, machine learning, model-driven engineering
Interests: human-centric aspects of SE, recommendation systems for SE, software traceability, documentation generation, test suite quality, software architecture and design, privacy engineering
Interests: software engineering, model-driven engineering, SBSE, software visualization, model transformation
Interests: API Design & Security, RESTful Services, Security Protocols, Empirical Research Methods
Interests: model-driven engineering, model transformation, simulation