A meeting of the SEMTL community will be held on Friday, Nov 29th, 2024, 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM . It will take place at UQÀM, Coeur des Sciences.
Please RSVP using this form.
Sabrina Pilon: Coding in the dark
“Coding in the Dark” is our keynote, where a blind software engineering student demonstrates how they program without sight, offering a firsthand account of the challenges faced by visually impaired individuals in the field of software engineering. Through a live coding session, our speaker highlights the unique obstacles blind people encounter in academia and the tech industry, shedding light on issues like accessibility, lack of support, and the need for adaptive technologies. The event aims to raise awareness and promote inclusivity within the software development community.
Leonardo Uliano: The missing semester
Computer science is a fast-evolving field, and in software engineering, new concepts and technologies continually reshape the landscape. While course instructors and professors work tirelessly to provide comprehensive and up-to-date curricula, it’s equally important to regularly engage with the next generation of researchers and software engineers to hear their perspectives on challenges and desired course improvements. In “The Missing Semester,” we have the opportunity to explore which contemporary concepts are often underrepresented in the CS curriculum and are typically learned through self-study.
Maram Assi: Machine-Learning Driven Guidance for Software Maintenance
Software systems require continuous maintenance to fix defects, enhance features, and improve code quality, ensuring they remain reliable and competitive. With the growing complexity of codebases, automated approaches are crucial to support software maintenance. Despite previous efforts using machine learning (ML) for software maintenance, developers still face challenges in managing code changes, clone evolution, and feature enhancements. This thesis introduces ML-based approaches to aid developers in two key areas of maintenance: managing code and enhancing features. Specifically, the work includes four studies: (1) improving defect resolution prediction accuracy by utilizing characteristics of issue reports; (2) analyzing code clone dynamics in deep learning frameworks for long-term code quality; (3) conducting automatic competitor feature analysis; and (4) generating feature improvement suggestions based on competitor review analysis. The goal is to equip developers with novel methodologies for more efficient software maintenance, leading to high-quality, sustainable systems.
Maram Assi is the newest member of the Montreal Software Engineering community. After completing her PhD in the School of Computing at Queen’s University, Canada, we are thrilled to welcome Maram as an Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at the Université du Québec à Montréal.
This room is placed in the inner court of the Pierre-Dansereau complex.
We’ll gather at the Chaufferie, which is in the Cœur des sciences pavillion.
(Pink section, pavillon “CO” on campus map)
Chaufferie (CO-R700) du pavillon Cœur des sciences
175, avenue du Président-Kennedy
Montréal (Québec) H2X3P2