SEMTL Meeting at ETS

Meeting at ETS (2024-06-20, 09:30)

Posted by Ghizlane El Boussaidi and Naouel Moha

You may find interesting:


9th meeting of the SE community (06/03/20)


3rd meeting of the SE community (05/07/19)

A meeting of the SEMTL community will be held on Thursday, June 20th, 2024, 9:30 AM. It will take place at Pavillon E, École de technologie supérieure (ETS).


Please RSVP using this form.


  • 9:30-10:30 - Keynote by Sylvain Bouix “Enabling the study of Brain Disorders with Neuroinformatics”
  • 10:30-11:00 - Break
  • 11:00-11:15 - Presentation “Toward Intelligent Generation of Tailored Graphical Concrete Syntax”
  • 11:15-12:15 - Roundtable discussion
    • Recent work of SEMTL faculty members
    • Next year of SEMTL
  • 12:25-13:30 - On-Campus Social Event

Slides and Notes

To come


Room E-2021 Maison des étudiants - Pavillon E, École de technologie supérieure 1220 Notre-Dame St W, Montreal, Quebec H3C 1K5

Social Event

We have a reservation at Resto-Pub Le 100 génies. The social event starts at 12:30 p.m.